Most WELCOME to our HOME !

This place is my Home, and I treat it as such. It is also a temporary abode for lots of friends and acquaintances. And there are some tenants living here continuously. So, out of respect for me and for them, below are the rules to be observed to have admittance in the house and to be allowed to remain here … HAPPY @ HOME…. ☺

1. You are here because YOU WANT TO


I always wanted to help and to serve the others. Many of them. All of them.  

But I did change at some point.  Now I only want to help people that want to help themselves and are searching ways to do so.   They’re willing to start progressively.   Not to rush.  Not to be desperate.  Not to push themselves mercilessly.  But they are willing.

“Without haste, but without rest.” 


2.  We like KIND PEOPLE here


We do not welcome nasty and patronising behaviour – neither in our community nor as customers. 

That also extends to any practice of racism, sexism, ageism or anything born from intolerance, hate and bigotry.


3.  Here we are training ourselves OUT of PERFECTIONISM


We don’t like mediocrity.  But we try to no longer obsess over perfection.

So we are always grateful for feedback and decided to accept it unconditionally. No matter if it’s negative.

It’s someone’s opinion and we respect that. 


4.  My ENGLISH is IMPERFECT as well…


I will make no apologies for my imperfect English, other than write this clarification now.  

English is not my mother tongue.  I do the best I can, but I will surely make tons of mistakes, both in writing and while talking.  The community here is also diverse, with people from various countries and nationalities.

So again, if you find that unacceptable, you may be happier somewhere else.


5.  WE'RE NOT for EVERYONE, so you are not obliged to stay


If you find you consistently dislike what is published and commented on this site/blog, or take offence at some of the opinions I profess, or do not resonate at all with any of it, I urge you to go away. 

I’m not a sadist, so I do not enjoy seeing you suffer at my hand.  I do not encourage masochism.   By all means, feel free to suffer if you wish, but somewhere else ☺

So do not hesitate to UNSUBSCRIBE if you do not get my fun and joy, or do not feel inspired by my messages.




Trust is important to me.  I personally take responsibility for my mistakes and I do my utmost to make things right.

We speak plainly here and we mean what we say.  


7.  REPETITION is the mother of all knowledge


You may find at times there are things that are repeated.   I kindly invite you to relax and accept that. 

I’ve found throughout the years that if I allow myself to listen,  to really listen,  even subjects that I thought I perfectly understood and internalised, then what happens is that every time I get to understand differently,  to go to a deeper layer. 

Or even I get struck by a completely new perspective.


8.  This is for GROWNUPS


All subject matters, content, form, wording, both in writing and orally, both mine and of my guests – all are aimed at adults.  

We claim we are civilised and educated, and yet, our vocabulary may not always be for kids or oversensitive ears.


9.  This wishes to be a CLUTTER FREE community 


We aim to respect some boundaries so that we keep the discussions relevant at all times, we would not discuss all-topics-everywhere-at-the-same-time.

So I would reasonably discourage any going off topic, in the interest of all the readers.




Should you at any moment feel that things are seriously affecting you, then reach out for good and recommended specialised help !


We live in a society that hypocritically proclaims the nicest things and yet pushes us to self-loathing, self-hate, complete disconnection from our true self, so we all have so many things buried deep down in us.

Do not be ashamed to admit you need help, and go to a trusted source !



Thanks a lot !!   ☺


☺ Sign here ☺ Yes, I WILL follow the HOUSE RULES ☺